Birth Aged Sickness Death; what everyone goes through in life.
Just sitting down and look through life and people around you can be quite interesting/funny/sad/angry/embarrassing; especially when I go blog hopping, I read so many things that some people have similar life's situations as me. The comments on these situation seems to be the same as what I went through. Life was tough for a period of time in my life, but I survived and moved on. It is funny how some people would use those situation and blame it as the reason they turn out to be. See a psychiatrist and get on with life.
Friend of a friendThis Guy told his best friend (Gal) that he would no longer contact her because the girlfriend is jealous/insecure about their relationship. Of course the Gal was angry... etc. Me myself went through the same situation before. As I mature, I see both sides of the story;
My thoughts:
Girlfriend: Has no rights to tell the boyfriend who he can or cannot be friends with (vise-versa).
Guy: It was a dumb move for cutting off his friendship with his friends. He can contact them less, but shouldn't chop off the line.
Gal: Understand that he is attach now, things will be different. Less phone calls/less supper nights
BUT if the Gal is a needle poking the relationship; the guy should choose to let go and not force to let go of the friendship. If the guy refuse to let go, the girlfriend should dump the guy because you are not that important and never will be.
When things get out of hands the Gal sometimes would turn to be the third party that breaks off the relationship. B'cus the Guy tends to talk through the problems between him and the girlfriend with Gal: more and more understanding the Gal seems to be.
Why do third person who breaks off someone else's relationship always have the same statements??
- I am not the type to break off a relationship/ family
- You don't take good care of him enough, that is why he/she comes to me
- He chose me not you
It is even funny/eyes rolling when you watch Jerry Springer Show on how 2 woman fight for a man that is not worth fighting for? (vise versa)
Message in Life:
Some people are not worth your time, they can only hurt you once = lesson learn and move on
So many weddings and so many babies in my life. As I grow older, friends my age are getting marry, settling down and some are having their 3rd kid on the way. When is the right time? In the olden days girls would be married off at the age of 12. If I lived in the olden days, I would be married by now and the "interesting" part is I know who I am marrying.
With the "freedom" to live my life, life with Pigeon is quite nice (could be better, hehehe). A path that I chose and if anything don't work out = blame myself and not my parents.
Back to the story of my "married" life.
(MLYS)My mum went to the market around my house and she was pregnant with me (5/6 months). A normal day with people walking about and buying grocery, there was a lady sitting along the roadside that caught her eyes. She was pregnant too. Further observation, that lady was her best friend back in high school (TW). They kinda lost contact after graduation, the lady went back Mlys and my mum got married (years later) and moved to Mlys. They of course were happy to bump into one another and caught up with one another's life...etc.
In the olden days, best friends' babies will be linked up. Let me explain myself. If both best friends are pregnant with girls, the girls will be sworn sisters; if pregnant with boys, the boys will be sworn brothers and if it is one girl and one boy, they will be married and the best friends family would be come in-laws.
My mum's best friend was pregnant with a boy; hence in the olden days, my parents have already found a husband for me, even before I was born (OMG). I guess the silver lining of that life is that I would be the 1st wife and not one of the younger wives. hehehe
Now marrying to a rich family or poor family is a total different story. For that story, you'll need to watch those olden days Hong Kong/Taiwanese series/movies.
How to handle sickness and death??
I dropped everything and flew off TW to see grandma within a week since i heard the news that she is not feeling well. Only a few friends knew what was going on.
Situation like this are quite uncomfortable. Friends can be sympathetic/annoying depending on the mood/hormones levels. Honestly there are times when I feel like taking a frying pan and conk someone's head (not saying who; if you ask, I'll say you =P). This is when there are no words to console a friend. To me, I'd prefer just a "I'm sorry to hear that".
Brighter side: Grandma is getting better, which is good, but she started to pull off her drip-needle and her breathing tube, which is bad.