Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is in my garage??!!

I have a huge garage where I live; as in HUUUGGGEEE....... So many cars parked in there and only one is mine =P
Anyway, there was a SA/AUS antique car-race competition & exhibition few months ago. Some of the drivers stayed at my apartment and parked their very cute antique cars in the all over the parking lot. I became an antique car paparazzi for that week; stalking at new comers. hehehehe

Pic 1: Papa car & baby car

I was stalking this car for days (pic 5) literally. The driver had the car under a cover the whole day but I manage to snap one at night when the driver was giving it some fine tuning for the next day's competition.

The competition was abit like Tour de Australia, where the drivers had to drive the city routes and the valley routes. The competition last about 5 days, I think. After a chat with the driver of pic 5, I found out that that car was made based on the same model somewhen in the 1900's and the driver went all over museums that had information on this particular car (blue prints, shape and sizes of the car parts...etc) and made one (himself) that is "exactly" like the one it was made in the 1900s.
Very interesting and $$ hobby.

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