Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Plants DO talk...

My colleague (ex-supervisor) told me something really really funny and very true too.

As I mentioned so often; My bosses are in Argentina for 1 week, so I'm bosses-less for a week. That don't mean that I have nothing to do. I still have to do flowering, harvesting, plant transfer, trashing and watering. All this is done in my own sweet time, but if I finish early then I can go home early. Of course I'mworking on lightning speed to finish all required work for the day.

I normally water the plants at 2pm; but since the bosses ain't here, I've been watering them at 12pm cus then I can go home by 1pm. Yup, watering the glasshouse takes about 1 hour but it is a must to do.

"The plants won't tell my bosses that they had been watered at 12pm instead of 2pm BUT they will tell my bosses that they have not been watered for a week!"

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