Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Compulsory for medical field people

I went for blood donation about a week ago (regular donor). Then this question popped up

Shouldn't all medical field people be donating blood???

All doctors, nurses, interns, medical students, nurses student maybe even pharmacist; unless of course there's medical condition that prevents you from doing so ;anemics, people with low blood pressure, blood problems...etc.

These people are meant to save lives; shouldn't they be setting a good example and donate???All these cries of the blood bank getting low on blood. How one person's blood can save 3 lives (depending on form its being used). The blood bank has been calling people up for donation, and it sure makes you wonder could all those "kind" souls who donate $$ to charity could do abit more =)

I've heard from people who are in the medical field, who refuse to donate blood, gives absurd answers to why they do not like to donate (list below), sure frustrate the h*ll out of me. They should make it compulsory for them to donate at least once a year!!!

Crappy excuse:
1. Afraid of needles
heeeelllooooooo you're a medical student you'll be poking people needles onto your patients, what $%^$%^$ excuse is that??
2. Makes me go weak
you're a doctor, you should know that this condition only last for 2-3 days, at most a week, for a healthy person.
3. I just don't like it
inconceited selfish B*****d/B***h
4. No time
then make time, I'm sure between your social life, annual leaves.. etc you could just squeeze out 1 hour for it
5. I'm having my period
then do it on another day
6. I have aids (I think this was meant as a joke, but that's not what a doctor should be replying)
you don't have one, if you're a doctor with aids... WTH are you still consulting patients?? unless the patients are confident with your work

No more dumb excuses... Go Donate Your Blood!!!!!


Anonymous said...

wow... cool... your name is annabeth... i didnt know that man... i tot it was something else u told mi last time! wow.............

Annabeth said...

hahaha =) Long story about how I got my name =)

Hey Daniel; use the chatbox on the left. Easier to leave messages =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.