Wednesday, September 27, 2006

&^$#^@#$So what went wrong???

This has been a frustrated week (well 2 weeks).... There aren't much new news from my world as my job already takes up 8 hours a day. So what is there left to do? eat and zzz.

Okie, 2 weeks have passed and I can't even finish 1 experiment.... it's so frustrating!!!! I used to be able to finish 80 samples of wheats a day and now I can't even finish 13 in 2 weeks. Sigh!!! I have no idea what went wrong with the experiments, the chemical I've used were made fresh, so there was no contamination or oxidation of the chemicals used. Things that possible can go wrong: wrong concentration/pH of DMAB, MBTH, NaAc buffer, Hb and LA mix. (this sounds like gibberish... but that's what I'm working with)...

it's back to work again in 15 minutes time... wanna bang the wall.. and throw hissy fits....


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