Friday, July 08, 2005


I love kareoke, there are so many types overhere.... if you wanna eat lunch and sing (there is a place where you can go), if you prefer just singing in your own private room (there is also such places)... and of course the public ones (haven't seen any yet)...... now all i need is to find people to go with..... yes, it's a bit of a trouble to search of people to join you in anything especially if you go onto a trip alone.... i guess i'm sort of a by myself person (i think, did I hear a giggle somewhere?)... anyway, i like walking around by myself in sydney... so nice and in my no time, no hectic sheduale to follow, sleep when i want.... so relax (and that's what holiday is all about)... the only problem is that you have to keep asking peopl to take photo for you.... and you'll be the only one laughing at funny signs and sights.... other than that, i love it here... i wouldn't mind studying here (but the living cost is $$$$$$$$).... price of food is okie, reasonable ranges from $5 -$10 in Chinatown)... it's the accomadation and transport which are $$$.... hmm....

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