Saturday, June 11, 2005

It's al right

I'm happy with the background, it's slightly pale... hmm, maybe some changes here and there later.

First thing first, why am I here? Anyone of you out there has a Diary where you pour your heart and soul out since the age of 7. And you get all fired up if someone reads it. hahah Yes I had a book, and there isn't any consistancy in the dates of entries. As years gone pass, what is the use of telling a book your problems, yet there's no one to advice you. So here I am, being anonymous, I'd like to tell my problems out in my new blog, and if there's any visitors who pop-by, do leave with a few comments, advice before you leave. Thanks!

If there's no visitors, well, at least I know my blog is the same as my secret Diary. no one knows it exist. hahaha...

What can I say about myself;
I'm currently in my final year doing Honours, in the Bachelor Degree of Food Technology and Management. you'll be amazed on how many people can misinterpret my degree with Foot Technology "(If there is such degree). Sigh, and they start to ask question on "do you make fake feet? or analyse feet for some purposes?"....hmmm

It's FOOD Technology. Yes, I enjoy food, that i why I'm in the course. It's quality control course.

Are you still wondering what is it about? okie, when you go into the supermarket, there are rows and rows of food, everytime you buy a product, you know that it is safe, has the same taste as the ones you bought before... all these food quality control are done by Food Techies.....

Still don't get the picture? I'd love to work in large food companies, Cadbury, Coca Cola...'ll just have to accept that.

But my final aim is to be a Dietician and Nutritionist. That's gonna take a couple more years to study. So wish me luck!

Truth be told, i'm not a person with healthy eating habit, I'd thank my genes that I don't bloat up heaps when I go on junkie food spree. There are so many junk food that I'd like to introduce to you readers out there, which you must definately try.

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